
Yep servos were the key...

works like a charm.....

and heres the finale


hmmm this little 5v step up power pack thing works nice...

It was originally posted by Codfish here but it was easy to make in a about an hour.

This i snagged from radio shack $12.99 was a emergency LiPo cell phone charger.

Then used this "part number: 274-1582" as the atomizer attachment. 

Had to add a drop of solder to the tip of the center pin to accept a KR8 cartomizer, but since i had a 808 battery to 510 atomizer adapter i just used the 510 for the most part. But it will support a 901 model atomizer and cartridge.

The switch i had laying around it was a 1A rated 120v switch... push button SPST.

Construction was pretty dam easy.....

 Tear it apart de-solder the mini-usb male, place the power wires to the atomizer on the usb rails, although on the ground side of the usb male connection, you can jump together those 3 pads to get more surface area to attach the ground wire. 
(because the 2 to the side of the ground pad are not used)

 The insides of this thing are nice... i can think of a lot of mods to do from the ECF forum using these guts with different LiPo's, as for protection that's a different story, the usb pass-through and charging circuit is great if  you don't want to design your own... but at home for simple 3.7v projects hehe..... limitless.


Hmmm think of the bartleby as an investment...

once i figure out what voltage to get... i guess a 3.7v model would be ok for a start. since the batteries i ordered for my kr-808 are petering out early, i smoked normally like a fiend... lol

the bartleby has a built in pass-through charging thing which would be good.


Dam... the juice tastes funky...

either goodprophets.com changed his Winston flavor or that mixed with the Marlboro flavor in the original cartomizers... but man the Winston juice doesn't taste the same as the original 11mg 30ml bottle.


WOW.... Think i just found a new Cartomizer mod.... for the Kr-808

I took a kr-808 cartomizer that was empty (have 10 floating around here), and one of the Nicstick 510 carts.... torn the top off the cartomizer to exposed the inside wicking dipped 5 drops into the cartomizer and then topped off the 510's cart and placed them together.

Kr-808                Nicstick 510

Its like a super cartomizer!

Works great, and with the design of the 510 cart it doesn't drip as bad because it sucks up into the 808's wicking.


Cuz i cant master filling these Fricken things therefore i will BUILD something that can.

Ripped apart an old parallel port flatbed scanner to get the parts... the stepper motor and track were the important parts. The BS2 stamp2 will run the motor pulsing at set intervals moving the syringe slowly in then out, to flood fill the cartomizer with a forced (sucked) drain.

All that's left now is to "acquire" two Iv tubing assemblies with 1 way valves. going to use an old click pen (large kind) to hold the cartomizer in place during the filling process.

Part 2.....

Using the "Ez-Refill" syringe i got from goodprophets.... i managed to use that old scanner drive to pump the syringe and drip into hte cartomizer, using a Basic Stamp 2, a big medicine bottle, and some IV tubing...

i'll post the video...

here it is with a smaller (thinner) syringe... eh almost there, not accurate worth a dam, but till i get the servo's i might as well have fun.


POE for my Clear home modem

Nice little hack that works outdoors for more than just a clear modem....

POE outdoors


What a fucking day today, its been two weeks on vaping, soo i probably have smoked about 1 pack and a few over that time.

Best way to load a KR-808? spin test with a 35mm film can to force the juice to the heater, then after it loses the hit flip it over and swing the left over out and put into another cart.

Though right now, i am having a cig.
(waiting for the carts to soak)

I have that BS2 and have thought of 4 ways to use that BS2 to autoload and wash my cartomizers, i'll draw something up tomorrow.

(just need to get a hold of some medical tubing and IV stuffs)

I have friday off with the wife so was thinking of heading to Town Center mall to see i f can find this "E-Cig" kiosk everyone i talked to says exists and maybe get some pictures out that way

oh well going to think some more on it and head to bed



You know i cant think of anything creative to put here.... I've been dealing with the internet since its inception, before Gore... and fiddled with this and that... from running a radio station online, moved data around to make the net more "knowledge free" on IRC (teach a man to fish), was there when php was new and nuke was in cvs, i have been lurking at the forefront of most of the stuff people take advantage of every day on the "web".

Kinda cool to finally see this.... I have and still run Apache with a simple bblog, moblog, website at home that used to read my emails from one email account and post images etc from my phone or my friend Neils (used to work, don't care to fix it much). 

Shit now facebook and here does it as a built-in function, lol. 

(just hate facebook more)

Simplicity was my goals, Blogger does it all now for the most part, just waiting for a 3gp or video add in for the blog so i can sms videos in from the phone, or i haven't found it yet

Soooo, now i am revisiting old ideas of innovation, the BunnyHood i would love to update now... since Geocities went down taking all my MS Agent visual basic scripting with it and my fricken NOTES. That only took 3 years of procrastination and 3 days of actual work. The original Script was about 1.5 megabytes in size, ran locally on my computer (then 333mhz AMD) and promptly formated my hard drive on the 4th day of use... "format paragraph" was definitely misunderstood (circa 1998). So i removed the voice recognition out of the BunnyHood core design (was as useless as OS2 warp with them) and just said "hey, K.I.S.S it, if it works as a supercomputer on your desktop then people will code for it", then promptly dropped windows as the main OS and pursued Linux (Beowulf computing was firing up then and the memory messaging was getting simpler, and so was netboot and livecds too).....

hmmm, thank god i remember everything still... almost all i have read, wrote and spoke. What would suck now is a stoke or a aneurysm, lol

soon as i get a stable schedule at work i will beging sifting through my notes and files here and the notebooks downstairs, and begin pulling everything into a more uniform central source....

Hopefully here: BunnyHood

And this is where i will be posting my general ramblings.... So bare with me.